Independent and unapologetic, Deed & Mettle is a locally-minded goods and clothing brand that epitomizes the 'Modern American Dream.' A new classic. An online haberdashery, of sorts. A true lifestyle brand for the rare ones out there that prefer the simple things, and a little comfort with their class. A splash vintage vibe. A pour of nostalgia, in honor of times much less complicated. Shake, and you have a purveyor of modern classic threads. We bring it back to the old school, when one's word was bond and chivalry was very much still alive. How we were raised, being kind, sincere and showing respect was a part of who we were, just as much as looking dapper. It wasn't a choice, it was a standard. That can't be faked. Now that sh*t is cool. We work hard. Play even harder and 'carpe the f*** out of that diem.' Life is too short to just sit idle and talk, we prove our mettle in thy deed. We make apparel for those that want to represent that same high standard and free-spirited, uber-ambitious demeanor we were born of. We want people to dream massive, wear their hearts on their sleeve (or chest), and fly that freak flag proudly. If that's your thang. We may not always be perfect, we are human, but we do set our standards higher and want more than the status quo. Be kind. Be loyal and act with integrity. Just be the most perfect version of you. The world needs more of that sh*t, seriously.
We are a goods & clothing company, yes, but this is also much much more. This is a mindset, and we plan to prove that in our deeds, not just our message. Our ambitions are not just to succeed, but also pay it forward by giving back. Always open to working with local businesses, non profits and other local orgs on custom work, we want to make an impact and truly lead by example. A new way of doing business; truly having heart and caring about community again. It takes a village...
This is Deed & Mettle. Thank you.